The Visual Legacy of the Back-to-the-Land Movement
By Shawn Dumont
My two kids and I spent the better part of last year driving around Vermont looking for peace signs and the back-to-the-landers who made them. We would pick a general direction and spend the day driving on back roads through the nooks and crannies of Vermont. Our heads were on a swivel as we crested every hill and rounded each corner. Inevitably, I would hear “DAD! PEACE SIGN” from the back seat and quickly turn down a dirt driveway to investigate further. We felt comfortable knocking on strangers doors as we understood our shared commitment to the simple concept of peace. We were always met with kindness and a warm smile. My kids and I stumbled upon exceptional people who helped shape Vermont’s landscape, both physically and culturally. Through this experience we came to understand how much we, and the rest of Vermont, have benefitted from these counter culture pioneers. This book documents the peace signs we found on our journey, shares a few stories we heard and offers a glimpse into the unique cultural landscape of Vermont.✌️ ☮️ ❤️